Enjoy these curated articles that share both recent storytelling trends and tried and true marketing strategies.
Do these spark any ideas? Let us know. We're here to help you succeed in telling your story, so your business can grow.
June 21, 2024
By overlooking video marketing, B2B marketers leave significant revenue on the table. Here are some practical tips for perfecting your video marketing strategy.
Fast Company
January 19, 2024
Video Marketing: 5 Actionable Tips For Small Businesses
Video fosters a deeper connection with your audience, and boosts your conversion rates by up to 86%. Here are 5 actionable video marketing strategies for small businesses.
Your Story
August 29, 2023
Meet Delany Giannoble
If I had to give 3 tips to those looking to develop their communication and storytelling abilities, I would say this:
Bold Journey
February 16, 2023
Why Explainer Videos Are Essential for Startup Success
Explainer videos are now a vital part of entrepreneurs' early funding procedures. They support the clear, concise and aesthetically appealing communication of the concept underlying the good or service.
December 13, 2022
More small businesses want to tell their stories through video content. Here’s how.
Creating professional videos about your business takes skill, time, and money — and if you don’t do it well, it could reflect poorly on your company.
Philadelphia Inquirer
October 18, 2022
The Art Of Storytelling In Corporate Communications
When a story is authentic and speaks to people on a personal level, it becomes much more than advertising. It's how business leaders can make the most of their position and influence... continue reading.
September 1, 2022
Why Does Your Business Need Video Marketing?
Video marketing has become an essential element for business marketing and advertising. The use of video in your marketing strategy can help you attract more prospects, increase sales, build trust with customers and create a loyal customer base. As engaging as these images are, a video would blow them out of the water. Let’s see why... continue reading.
Rebellion Research
May 12, 2022
Four Ways To Improve Your Video Marketing Strategy
Regardless of your circumstances and industry, there’s no denying the importance of videos and connecting with customers. More online shoppers are watching video content than ever before, and that trend isn’t going to change any time soon... continue reading.
April 15, 2022
Learning to craft and share an origin story is a valuable communication skill that every entrepreneur and small business should strive to sharpen. Storytelling skills will help you differentiate your idea or the products and services you sell. continue reading.
February 19, 2022
The focus is all about storytelling and building relationships with your audience. Short-form videos are usually entertaining. What’s more important is focusing on your content, such as the narrative, to make a connection with your community and establish your brand voice... continue reading.
December 13, 2021
... if you aren’t incorporating video into your strategy, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to connect with your audience and build trust with them. Video is key for creating customer relationships because it puts a human voice behind the brand, which builds credibility and loyalty with customers... continue reading.
August 26, 2021
If you are searching for the best way to build brand loyalty and separate your business from the flock of competitors, it’s time to reconsider how you tell your company’s story... continue reading.
August 2, 2021
How to Create a Winning Content-Marketing Strategy in 2021
Content forms a vital component of your company’s online marketing approach... continue reading.
February 16, 2021
Five steps to use storytelling as leverage to do many good things, one of them being dramatically changing results for your business... continue reading.
March 29, 2024
Mastering Video Pre-Production: A Comprehensive Guide
In the realm of video production, success doesn't start when the camera rolls; it begins long before, during the crucial phase of pre-production.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of video pre-production services, exploring the key steps and considerations to help you navigate this essential phase with confidence.
Delany Giannoble
Made For More Productions
January 9, 2024
The Importance of Corporate Videos for Your Business
Corporate videos are a valuable asset for your business that can enhance your brand identity, build trust, engage your audience, and drive growth.
Digital Information World
May 10, 2023
Data found that 52% of marketers are investing more in video content overall, and while still photos are deemed important (86% of marketers indicating a need for them), video (88%) was found to be the most valuable format for social media advertisements thanks to its ability to convey complex information, create a sense of immediacy, and connect with diverse audiences.
January 11, 2023
Regain Control of Your Time With Video
If you want your time back even while you're building your business, learn to tap the incredible power of video.
December 12, 2022
12 Tips for Creating a Corporate Video that Amazes Customers
A video that monotonously talks about your brand, product, or service isn’t going to attract viewers. Customers want to see content that is engaging and stimulates their minds.
And what can be more engaging than storytelling? A good story shapes perception and adds weight to your video’s core message.
October 13, 2022
Building Your Brand? Project A Story Worth Remembering
You likely don’t have deep pockets like Nike or Starbucks, and that’s perfectly okay. If you identify, clarify, and then position your own “story” just right (especially if your story includes a compelling “why” element), you can produce amazing results. continue reading.
August 15, 2022
8 Secrets to Creating Live Video Content People Want to Watch
If you're looking to incorporate live video content into your marketing strategy, follow these tips from a group of successful entrepreneurs. Their secrets to success will help you develop content people actually want to watch (while also boosting your sales)... continue reading.
April 22, 2022
But when companies don’t put the resources toward strong strategic communications, everything begins to blend together in a world of content chaos, and it becomes difficult to stand out. Have you noticed company content on social media and websites lately where it all sounds the same?
The solution is meaningful storytelling... continue reading.
March 4, 2022
B2B Video Marketing Strategy Using These Storytelling Techniques
Storytelling should be part of your content marketing strategy, no matter what that content is. Stories help you resonate with your audience by stringing marketing and brand messages together in a way that evokes an emotional response in your audience... continue reading.
February 14, 2022
4 Truths About Connecting With Your Audience Through Business Storytelling
Part of your job as a leader is to think through the critical components of your story—plot, emotional quality, takeaway—and align those with what you know about your target audiences. Here are four truths to guide you through that process... continue reading.
November 30, 2021
... Our work done with chamber of commerce video strategy is the most unique thing we can bring to the table for chambers of commerce. Plenty of videographers can shoot incredible video and audio. Plenty of marketers understand how to create excellent campaigns. But chambers have a unique structure. They are member-based, business-focused and community-driven. It took several years and multiple mistakes to find out what worked for this type of business structure... continue reading.
Orlando Voyager
August 23, 2021
Clients pick the most visually impressive piece of content when they're scrolling through social media or emails. And businesses need to catch their eye during that scroll... continue reading.
July 29, 2021
Video marketing is a great way to increase engagement with your audience, but it can be hard to know where to start... continue reading.
Jeff Bullas
February 14, 2024
Elevate Your Brand: The Power of Professional Video Editing
Video content has become one of the most effective ways to engage with customers and convey your brand message. However, in a sea of amateur videos flooding the internet, it's essential to invest in professional video editing to truly make your business shine.
Delany Giannoble
Made For More Productions
September 27, 2023
9 Key Tips for Navigating the Upcoming 2024 Marketing Landscape
2024 is right around the corner, and the world's marketing landscape has changed a lot in this year alone! So, what's changed in this time?
February 28, 2023
2023 Marketing Trends You Should Pay Attention To
People may ignore large blocks of text, but they will pause to watch a video. You can provide more information in less time by using moving graphics or short videos in your social media posts and on your website.
January 3, 2023
Video storytelling wins engagement
Marketing is about more than getting noticed. It’s about holding attention. Not just through one 15-second clip, but strategic, repeated, intentional reminders of your brand promise to members and potential members. Everyone values a story well told. Video is an excellent medium to show, not just tell.
CU Insights
November 3, 2022
Does your brand have a great story behind it? If so, tell it.
For the small business, few things are better than a good origin story about the brand or business. It humanizes your business.
Post it, tell it, share it.
Because, after all, remember: “No story, no sale...” continue reading.
USA Today
September 22, 2022
The very best feedback we were given from a client was, “I’m swamped, I can’t keep up with the new client calls ever since we did our rebrand.” While we don’t want our clients overwhelmed… this perfectly demonstrates the type of growth we hope to create for businesses. continue reading.
Canvas Rebel
August 10, 2022
Here are six basic techniques you can use to elevate your marketing videos. By pausing and taking a moment to evaluate your plans, you can dramatically increase the power of this tool... continue reading.
Rolling Stone
April 21, 2022
10 Great Ideas for Video Email Marketing
Videos give email campaigns an element of interactivity that can intrigue, entertain, and even teach your subscribers in ways that the written word can’t. This means better subscriber engagement, higher click-through rates, and higher conversion rates. Surprisingly, with all of that, only about 25% of email marketers include video in their campaigns.... continue reading.
March 1, 2022
In 2020, 92% of marketers said they routinely used videos as part of their campaigns, and a further 88% said that the medium gave them an objectively positive ROI. But not all video content is equal. What may have worked for a television advertisement 20 years ago will not resonate with today’s audience, who use social media for entertainment, education, and engagement... continue reading.
Beau Peters, Talking Influence
January 6, 2022
Storytelling tricks that help nonprofits make an impact
Storytelling is part of what makes us human and is fundamental to who we are. For the nonprofit sector, storytelling has the power to get people excited about a particular organization and ultimately buy into its mission... continue reading.
PR Daily
October 28, 2021
Video is one of the easiest ways to create engaging content that gives your audience an instant connection to your business. The trick, however, is to make sure that your video actually tells a story and keeps your customer watching... continue reading.
COX Blue
August 4, 2021
A new study finds emails with embedded video messages tended to "neutralize the negative experience of email..." continue reading.
Tech Republic
July 18, 2021
Let’s look at seven of the content marketing trends to adopt this year... continue reading.
Tech Talks
June 1, 2020
It’s no doubt that traditional forms of marketing are no longer as effective as they used to be... continue reading.